Members present were welcomed. A number of apologies were accepted.
Approval of 2022 AGM Minutes – Proposed – M. Christie Seconded – Jo Cousland
Matters Arising: There was a query about a proposed discussion amongst all members concerning the 3 annual exhibition format. This has not happened but the committee subsequently did discuss this and decided to keep the 3 annual exhibition arrangements in place.
President’s Report:
i. The President praised the work of the committee throughout 2022-23 session, noting that it took account of both fabric and finance. Signage was upgraded and improved and the club library is beginning to build itself up again with suggestions sought from tutors as well. Tutor’s pay was considered and increased to cover setting up and clearing up times at beginning and end of a class.
ii. Throughout 2022-23 bi-monthly competitions have continued with good uptake. St. Andrews Community Council presented a cup as prize for a new competition thus forging a outreach link between Art Club and the wider community and fulfilling our Constitutional goal in bringing
awareness of the visual arts to the local population. Pam Robertson was the first winner of the Community Cup.
Treasurer’s Report:
i. Mention was made of the large legacy received (£12,850) with the stipulation that it be used for enhancing members’ facilities.
ii. Mention was made of the value of Gift aid donations amounting to £782 over the course of 2022-23 This is ploughed back into the club account for use towards general upkeep and improvement of the club’s fabric.
iii. Mention was made of the overall sum of £1545 being realised from the 3 annual exhibition 15% commission during 2022-23.
iv. Mention was made of tutors’ fees being £30 per hour.
Membership Report: There are 154 members and 23 on the waiting list which is currently closed until July 2023 when membership is due for annual renewal.
Property Report: Annual checks of electrics, roof and fire extinguishers have been carried out as well as repairs whenever necessary. Smoke detectors have been installed and a new electric fuse board to comply with current standards. The main and first back room have been repainted
as has the exterior of the building.
Class Report: A full programme was produced throughout the 3 annual sessions. Many thanks were extended to Moira Mukherjee for her tireless work in arranging so much that has been enjoyed by many members.
New Committee Election: Moira Mukherjee’s place on the committee was taken by Graham
Duncan. Jean Le Maitre and Liz Craig were re-elected as Secretary and Property manager respectively. Jo Cousland was approved as President and Hilary Craig as Vice-President.
Club Charity: The club will continue to support the local food bank – Storehouse.
AOCB: Nothing to discuss
Date of 2024 AGM: TBA